Fence Layouts

No two pet fence boundaries are the same

Pet Containment is different for everyone. Below are some of the more common permitter wire solutions out there (note: twisted section gives dog free access).

Lots of scenarios exist for fitting boundary wire around areas you wish to contain in, for example, flower beds, play areas, ponds, pools etc.

One entrance only. Blocking access to road.

Where you only need to enclose part of your garden, you can run the wire in parallel, but the wire must be at least 1 meter apart.

Full garden boundary loop with 'no-go' zone around swimming pool/flower bed.

Double loop, dual zone, zone within zone.

When choosing a boundary, it's good to try to follow natural boundary markers e.g. fence, wall, line of bushes, trees or the edge of the lawn. Crossing the lawn, for example, is not recommended, since the dog will not easily recognise a non natural boundary.

If burying or laying cable on the surface consider protecting it from excessive wear (e.g. when running across a gravel driveway) or accidental damage (e.g. by a gardener's spade or lawn mower) by running it through a protective sheath (e.g. a plastic hose pipe.)

If you are feeding the wire through a hedge, it is advisable to use a colored sheath to enhance visibility while trimming the hedge.

Need more help? Please Contact Us to find the right layout solution for you and your dog.

Fence Installation

Fence Control Unit

We recommend that the Fence Control Unit be kept dry by being indoors, under cover, or placed inside a sealed waterproof junction box if it needs to be placed outside.

Boundary Wire Installation Options

(see image)

. The boundary wire can be tacked to a boundary feature, the optimal position is equivalent to the height of the dog's collar

. Wire can be placed on the surface, however this makes it more susceptible to damage.

. The boundary wire should be buried slightly below the surface, approximately 50-100mm (2-4 inches). It is preferable to bury it closer to the surface for better results (recommended option)

. In certain regions with a high mineral content, it may not be feasible to bury the wire beneath the surface due to local and environmental conditions which may impact the shape and size of the designated area.